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In this section, we're delighted to spotlight our esteemed sister projects, each contributing significantly to the field of countering extremism. 

These projects share common objectives with SMIDGE, focusing on understanding and mitigating the impact of extremist narratives.

We're delighted to spotlight our esteemed sister projects, each contributing significantly to the field of countering extremism. 

These projects share common objectives with SMIDGE, focusing on understanding and mitigating the impact of extremist narratives.

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The ARENAS (Analysis of and Responses to Extremist Narratives) project, funded by the EU Horizon Programme, spans four years and focuses on extremist narratives influencing European political and social dynamics. It involves a consortium of nine universities, an NGO, two SMEs and three associated impact partners.

ARENAS aims to dissect these narratives, particularly in relation to science, gender and nationality, with the goal of empowering individuals to resist them. Policy recommendations will be generated to prevent the proliferation of such narratives in the future, fostering a harmonious coexistence in Europe. Ultimately, ARENAS strives to characterise and understand the role of extremist narratives in discourses impacting not only politics and society, but also the stakeholders themselves. Through its research, the project seeks to bridge gaps in contemporary scholarship, offering recommendations to policymakers, media, legal professionals, social inclusion experts and educational institutions, all with the aim of countering extreme narratives and cultivating a more inclusive and respectful European society.

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The OppAttune (Countering Oppositional Political Extremism through Attuned Dialogue: Track, Attune, Limit) project aims to enhance social and political dialogue by examining and reducing the
negative impact that can emerge from political extremism. OppAttune tracks the evolution of
oppositional extreme ideologies and protectionist decision-making, develops an innovative
attunement model and tests a series of interventions at the national and transnational levels which
limit the spread of extremism.


OppAttune revitalises trust in key democratic institutions. Its actions
involve an on-line I-Attune self-test interactive to build democratic capacity across diverse publics.

OppAttune brings together an ambitious multi-disciplinary team of academics and practitioners to
examine the evolution of political extremism and its influence on social and political dialogue with
the aim to track, attune and limit the spread of oppositional extreme narratives. OppAttune provides
micro, meso and macro level evidence-based recommendations and strategies designed to counter
the potential of extreme narratives to disrupt democratic growth. It delivers this via a multi-
disciplinary consortium of 17 countries across the EU and its periphery.


Project Gems

GEMS (Games as a Multi-layered Security Threat) is a Horizon Europe funded project aimed at curbing the spread of extremism within the diverse world of gaming. The project brings together experts from various sectors—including social impact businesses, law enforcement and academia—with the aim of protecting and empowering citizens.

FERMI Project

FERMI is a three-year long project funded by the European Union flagship research and innovation programme Horizon Europe. The project consortium consists of 17 organisations leaders in criminology, social sciences, public policy, technological development, innovation management and law enforcement agencies.

Pledge Project

PLEDGE  is a Horizon Europe funded project focusing on the emotional dynamics of political grievances and their implications for democratic politics. The PLEDGE project engages researchers, policymakers, and citizens in a collective effort to better understand citizens’ emotions and develop practices and tools that promote emotionally responsive democratic governance and political communication, and foster pro-democratic forms of civic engagement.

CONNOR: Nordic Network of Conspiracy Theory Research

CONNOR is dedicated to advancing the academic study of conspiracy theories in and about the Nordic countries. The network aims to foster interdisciplinary discussions and research collaboration in this burgeoning field

European Digital media observatory

The European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) works to strengthen and enable collaboration among a multidisciplinary community of stakeholders tackling online disinformation. It brings together fact-checkers, media literacy experts, and academic researchers to understand and analyse disinformation, in collaboration with media organisations, online platforms and media literacy practitioners.

The Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET)

The Global Network on Extremism and Technology(GNET) is the academic research arm of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT). GNET is housed within the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) at King’s College London. GNET aims to better understand the ways in which terrorists use technology.

EU DisinfoLab

As an independent non-profit organisation, EU DisinfoLab gathers knowledge and expertise on disinformation in Europe. Through putting together research, investigative work and policy acumen, EU DisinfoLab is an active member of, and supports, a passionate and vast community that helps to detect, tackle, and prevent information disorders endangering citizens’ integrity, peaceful coexistence and democratic values. is a research and development project focusing on disinformation analysis and AI supported verification tools and services. 

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